
安徽汇利化工有限公司成立于2009年10月,专业从事氯化聚乙烯等高分子材料领域的技术和产品研究开发、生产经营及国际贸易。现有职工168人,具有各种专业技术人员60人,大专以上学历人员54人。 公司主要产品氯化聚乙烯(cpe、cm),是由高密度聚乙烯(hdpe)经氯化而制成的高分子合成材料。本产品采用新型氯化工艺,融合国内水相法和美、德生产技术特点,产品性能达到国内领先水平。 公司生产基地位于宿州市经济技术开发区科苑集团工业园内,工业园占地500亩,园内基础设施完备,配套工程齐全,环境优美,紧邻京沪铁路和合徐高速,交通便捷,地理位置优越。 “汇天下资源,利八方客户。”安徽汇利化工有限公司竭诚为广大客户提供高品质的产品和优质快捷的服务! 欢迎国内外客户垂询、惠顾! anhui huili chemical, was founded in october 2009, mainly engaged in biological engineering, fine chemical, polymer technology and product research and development, production management and international among her 168 staffs, 60 people have professional and technical post, college degree or above personnel 54 the main products of the company are chlorinated polyethylene (cpe、cm). the chlorinated polyethylene (cpe、cm) is a kind of synthetic materials by chlorination of this product adopts the new chlorination process, compromises domestic water method with the characteristics of production technology of american and germany, product performance meet the domestic leading the company’s production base is located in koyo industrial park of suzhou economic and technological development the park covers an area of 500 mu, has complete infrastructure projects, kit engineering and beautiful it is also close to beijing-shanghai express railway and hefei-xuzhou express highway, the transportation is convenient, the geographical position is "collect the world resource, benefit the world" anhui huili chemical, desires to serve customers with high quality products and service! welcome the clients home and abroad enquiring and visiting! [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:安徽 宿州市埇桥区 宿固路科苑集团工业园 浙ICP备17016739号-4
